Please find below the post budget reaction of Ms. Nisha Agarwal, CEO, Oxfam
India (Indian division of the 50 year old international NGO Oxfam)
"The 2009/2010 budget fails to live up to its promise of delivering
"inclusive growth and equitable development". It is a budget focusing again
on the kinds of policies and programs that have delivered high growth during
the last decade but have failed to reach the poor and minority groups, and
have thus exacerbated the already high levels of inequalities that exist in
India. While Oxfam India and other civil society groups have for years been
asking the Government to commit 9 percent of GDP for basic education and
health, the Government has not moved towards this and has instead committed
9% of GDP for infrastructure. There is hardly any mention of basic
education in the Finance Minister's speech, which is disappointing. The
national expenditure on education has remained around 3% of GDP, our public
spending on health at less than 1% of GDP remains amongst the lowest in the
world. The foundation of inclusive and equitable growth has to be a society
that provides free and quality education and basic health care services to
all so that the poor can also avail of the opportunities created by high
growth and improve their lives and livelihoods.''
Please feel free to contact me for further information.
The Science of Image Management
Garima Sharma Nijhawan
Senior Image Executive
Perfect Relations Ltd.
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